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What is Cholesterol and How Does Too Much of It Affect My Health?

Maintaining low cholesterol levels is one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy. Are you doing what you can now to prevent heart disease down the road? Let’s explore everything you need to know about cholesterol.

What is Cholesterol and How Does Too Much of It Affect My Health?

In This Article:

  • Cholesterol is a waxy organic molecule that is an essential building block for creating healthy cells. LDL is considered “bad cholesterol” and HDL is considered “good cholesterol.”
  • An overall healthy cholesterol level is less than 200 in adults. 200-250 is considered moderately elevated, while anything above 250 is highly elevated.
  • To maintain healthy cholesterol levels, eat healthy, exercise, quit smoking and get cholesterol screenings every five years — more often if you are at genetic risk.

Have more questions about cholesterol and your overall heart health?

Our expert cardiologists are here to help. Schedule your heart screening today!

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