The Maricopa County Special Health Care District Board is seeking applicants to represent District 3. To learn more about the vacancy or download the application, please click here

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Our trusted health care providers at District Medical Group serve the community with compassion while contributing their expertise and medical insight to Wellness Now.

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What Is an Urban Heat Island and Where Are They?
What Is an Urban Heat Island and Where Are They?
Have you ever wondered why it feels like your city gets hotter every year? You might be living in a heat island.
What Are Current Masking Guidelines?
What Are Current Masking Guidelines?
As of March 3rd, 2022, the CDC reported that more than 90% of the U.S. population is in a location with either low or medium COVID-19 levels. Check CDC masking guidelines for the most updated information.
Medication Management Advice for Seniors
Medication Management Advice for Seniors
It can be overwhelming to keep track of all your prescriptions, when to take them and for how long. Instead of worrying about memorizing all the special instructions for each medication, try out some of the medication management tips outlined below.
Teeth Grinding Treatments
Teeth Grinding Treatments
Teeth grinding affects up to a third of adults during the day and one in ten adults at night. Bruxism (the medical term for teeth grinding) happens when people grind their teeth or clench their jaw unconsciously. Most people who grind their teeth or clench their jaw—during the day or at night—are unaware they are doing it, until they visit their dentist.

This Month's Topic:

Common Concerns

Growing up, we don’t always get the best sexual health education. This is why, as adults, it’s important we go back and relearn how to be good to our bodies. Along with that, as we get older, we learn that pain in one part

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patient shares his concerns with his doctor
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These HIV test kits are for those living within Maricopa County. If you live outside of Maricopa County, please visit for testing information.

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