Pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.01, 38-431.02 and 38-431.03(A), notice is hereby given to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District’s Board of Directors and to the general public, that the Board of Directors will hold a meeting, open to the public, on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Pavilion, 2609 East Roosevelt Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85008, 3rd Floor, Board Room. The Board of Directors may decide to go into executive session. If authorized by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, the executive session will be held immediately after the vote and will not be open to the public.
Members of the public may access the meeting from a computer, tablet, or smart phone by clicking here at least ten minutes prior to the start of the meeting. If prompted, the password for the event is BOD102523. This link and password will deactivate following meeting adjournment.
If you wish to address the Board during the Call to the Public, please review the procedure and submit the completed form at least two hours prior to the start of the meeting.