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Dermatologist’s Guide to the Ideal Arizona Skin Care Routine

When it comes to your skin care routine, it’s best to keep it simple with a good moisturizer and a high-SPF sunscreen. These tips from a dermatologist will help you protect your skin in the Arizona heat.

skin care

In This Article:

  • The skin care industry is an overly saturated market, and most of the products you see advertised are unnecessary. In dry and sunny Arizona, all you’ll need to maintain a healthy skin care routine is a good moisturizer and a sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
  • Remember that your lifestyle — including stress, diet and alcohol — can also have a large impact on your skin’s health.
  • Visit your dermatologist immediately if you notice any growths, lesions or rashes. Perform a self-skin exam every three to four months to look for any abnormalities.

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