Johnson-Agbakwu CE, Helm T, Killawi A, Padela A. Perceptions of Obstetrical Interventions and Female Genital Cutting: Insights of Men in a Somali Refugee Community. Ethnicity & Health
Lazar JN, Johnson-Agbakwu CE, Davis OI, Shipp MP-L. Challenges in Obstetrical Care of Somali Women: A Qualitative Study of Provider Perspectives. Obstetrics and Gynecology International
Abuldcadir J, Ahmadu FA, Catania L, Essen B, Gruenbaum E, Johnsdotter S, Johnson MC, Johnson-Agbakwu C, Kratz C, Sulkin CL, McKinley M, Njambi W, Shell-Duncan B, Shweder RA. Seven Things to Know about Female Genital Surgeries in Africa. Hastings Center Report, 2012; 6:19-27.
Ibe C, Johnson-Agbakwu CE. Female Genital Cutting: Addressing the Issues of Culture and Ethics. The Female Patient 2011, 36(8): 28-31.
Johnson CE, Ali SA, Shipp MP-L. Building Community-based Participatory Research Partnerships with a Somali Refugee Community. Amer J Prev Med 2009; 37(6S1): S230-S236.
Johnson CE, Mues KE, Mayne SL, Kiblawi AN. Cervical Cancer Screening Among Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: A Systematic Review Using the Health Belief Model. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease 2008; 12(3): 232-241.
Johnson C, Nour NM. Surgical Techniques: Defibulation of Type III Female Genital Cutting. J Sexual Medicine 2007; 4: 1544-1547.
Aduragbemi Banke Thomas, Sarah Gieszl, Jeanne Nizigiyimana and Crista Johnson-Agbakwu. Experiences of Refugee Women in Accessing and Utilizing a Refugee-Focused Prenatal Clinic in the United States: A Mixed Methods Study. Global Women’s Health
Walker J.R, NizigiyimanaJ, Banke-Thomas O, Niragira E, Nijimbere Y, Johnson-Agbakwu C. Burundian Female Survivors of War (SOW): Views of Health Before, During and Post Conflict. Research in the Sociology of Health Care, 2018. Volume 36, 235-258
Johnson-Agbakwu CE, Allen J, Nizigiyimana JF, Ramirez G, Hollifield M. Mental Health Screening Among Newly-Arrived Refugees Seeking Routine Obstetric and Gynecologic Care. Psychological Services, 2014; 11(4): 470-476;
Crista E. Johnson-Agbakwu, Priscilla Flynn, Gladys B. Asiedu, Eric Hedberg, Carmen Radecki Breitkopf. Adaptation of an Acculturation Scale for African Refugee Women. J Immigrant Minority Health. DOI 10.1007/s10903-014-9998-6
Jessica L. Lane, Crista E. Johnson‑Agbakwu, Nicole Warren, Chakra Budhathoki, Eugene C. Cole. Female Genital Cutting: Clinical knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices from a Provider survey in the US. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.