Your privacy and comfort are incredibly important to us. We promise to protect your personal medical information – known as your Protected Health Information (PHI) – and are required by law to do so.
Your PHI is your detailed personal health information (including demographic data) that relates to:
(1) your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition;
(2) the health care that has been provided to you, or
(3) the past, present, or future payment for your health care.
Your PHI relates to any information that identifies you or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe it can be used to identify you. Individually identifiable health information includes many common identifiers, including your name, address, birth date, Social Security Number, etc.
This Notice describes how we may use your PHI within Valleywise Health and how we may disclose it to others outside of Valleywise Health. This notice also describes the rights you have concerning your own PHI. Please review it carefully and feel free to let us know if you have questions.
This Notice applies to everyone who works or provides services at Valleywise Health (including Roosevelt Campus- Hospital, the Roosevelt Campus-Behavioral Health Annex, Desert Vista, the Health Centers, and the Roosevelt Campus- Health Center), District Medical Group (DMG), Complete Comfort Care, and all Valleywise Health personnel, volunteers, students, contracted physicians and trainees.
The Notice also applies to Valleywise Health and DMG physicians, physician assistants, therapists, emergency service providers, medical transportation companies, medical equipment suppliers, and other health care providers not employed by Valleywise Health, unless these other health care providers give you their own notice that describes how they will protect your PHI.
This Notice does not apply to patients who are incarcerated (currently in a jail or prison).
We may share your PHI with other health care providers for the purposes of their treatment, payment, and health care operations. This arrangement is only for sharing information and not for any other purpose. Any time we have to share part of your PHI, please know that it is ultimately done in order to provide you and our other patients with better care.
Download our notice of Privacy Practice in both English and Spanish below.