For Patients

Keeping your personal information safe is incredibly important to us. Please read the Valleywise Health Notice of Privacy Practices that describes how Valleywise Health will and will not use your personal information.

We have also included some documents to let you know how exactly we are protecting your information and what you should do if you ever suspect that your information has been used inappropriately.

For Contractors and Vendors

Please read the Valleywise Health False Claims Act policy. This policy was created to ensure that all employees, vendors, and agents of Valleywise Health know that Valleywise Health is committed to only submitting accurate claims and documents to the Federal and state governments. This policy is part of the Valleywise Health Compliance Program which is in place to help ensure that Valleywise Health follows the rules related to operating a health care system. The policy also provides information about safeguards for those who report suspected false claims to the Federal and Arizona governments. It is our hope that any concerns regarding the submission of a false claim or misleading statement to the Federal or state governments are reported internally to provide Valleywise Health an opportunity to address and correct any identified problems. However, if a problem is reported externally to the Federal or state government, Valleywise Health is committed to working with those entities to correct and resolve any identified problems.

Policies Governing Notice of Privacy Practices

Compliance Policies and Information

Valleywise Health Code of Conduct (44750)

Financial Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest in research may occur when outside financial interests compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, the professional judgment of a researcher when designing, conducting, or reporting research.

The Valleywise Health Conflicts of Interest and Gift Policy seeks to maintain the appropriate balance among all competing interests that have the potential to produce bias in the design, conduct, or reporting of the research or distort technology transfer transactions. The Policy articulates the requirements for researchers to report actual and potential conflicts of interest.

In 2011, the Public Health Service (PHS) released revised financial conflict of interest (FCOI) regulations (42 CFR 50) that apply to any institution receiving funds from a Public Health Service (PHS) entity. Institutions receiving funding from any PHS entity must revise their institutional FCOI policy to be in full compliance with all of the regulations by August 24, 2012. The Valleywise Health FCOI policy, effective August 13, 2012, corresponds with the mandate of this new regulation. Valleywise Health has elected to satisfy the public information requirement by allowing the public to submit their written request for investigators’ FCOI management plans by sending their request to the email address below. Valleywise Health will respond within five business days of the request. Please note that this only pertains to investigators whose significant financial interests are related to PHS-funded research.

Submit your written request to by completing the public records request form.

Policy and Procedures and Conflicts of Interest