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Authors Dr. Kevin Foster

Posts by Dr. Kevin Foster

Dr. Kevin Foster - Surgery

Dr. Kevin Foster is a physician with District Medical Group and the Director of the Arizona Burn Center – Valleywise Health, the state’s only nationally-verified burn center treating more than five-thousand children adults each year with a survival rate of 97 percent.

Articles By This Author

Inside the Arizona Burn Center: Burn Remedies, Prevention & Recovery
Inside the Arizona Burn Center: Burn Remedies, Prevention & Recovery
From burn remedies and recovery to prevention methods, the experts at the Arizona Burn Center provide tips to help you make a speedy recovery.
How to Treat a Burn
How to Treat a Burn
Burn injuries happen in many ways, often when you least expect it. From flames to boiling water, chemical spills to a lightning strike, we’ve seen it all at the Arizona Burn Center - Valleywise Health.
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