A healthy heart is a happy heart, and you should always have access to treatment for complex heart and vascular conditions so you can lead a full life.

A healthy heart is a happy heart, and you should always have access to treatment for cardiovascular disease and other complex heart issues, so you can lead a full life. 

We have two Valleywise Health Cardiac Catheterization Lab suites to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases.


Cardiac Catheterization

To properly diagnose or treat cardiovascular disease, a cardiologist inserts a long, thin tube called a catheter into an artery or vein and pushes it up to the heart. Patients are awake during this procedure, but receive medication to help them relax.

Our labs use the radial-first technique of introducing the catheter into the wrist.

In addition to this service, our cardiac specialists also offer:

  • Basic diagnostic and therapeutic services
  • Left and right heart catheters
  • Non-surgical catheter insertion (PCI Stinting for acute heart attacks)
  • Stress testing
  • Diagnose heart disease.
  • Correct abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Improve blood flow to the heart.
  • Help patients maintain a proper heart rate.
  • Diagnose and treat electrical conditions of the heart.
  • Place pacemakers, AICDs and cardiac resynchronization devices.
  • Treat patients suffering a heart attack.
  • Perform routine angioplasty with stent placement.
  • Close a hole in the heart –  both PFO and ASD type of defects.

Cardiac Lab: Heart Catheterizations Locations

Valleywise Health Medical Center

Valleywise Health Medical Center

Emergency Care CenterHospital

Valleywise Health Valleywise Health Medical Center

2601 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix, AZ 85008
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Valleywise Health Valleywise Health Medical Center Hours

24 hours a day, Sunday through Saturday

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