Diabetes Inpatient Services
Whether you are newly diagnosed, have had diabetes for years, have been hospitalized recently, are pregnant with diabetes or simply want to learn how to use an insulin pump, we are here for you. While you stay with us we’ll:
- Determine your blood sugar levels (glycemic control) and help you achieve a desired goal.
- Teach you basic diabetes survival skills you’ll need for self-management before we discharge you.
- Talk with you about setting regular appointments and help you transition to outpatient care.
- Give you and any caregivers the information you need for your care.
Diabetes Outpatient Services
As diabetes care continues to evolve, we’ll help you discover new ways to live a better life with diabetes. Our dedicated team of Certified Diabetes Educators (dietitians and nurses) will teach you tips and techniques for controlling diabetes for a lifetime.
We will also help you get connected to any other specialty doctors that might play an important role in caring for your diabetes, such as ophthalmologists, podiatrists, cardiologists and vascular services.
In order to make sure you’re always as healthy and strong as possible, you’ll want to stay educated on diabetes care. We offer individual sessions as well as group classes in the following topics:
- Learning basic facts about diabetes
- Monitoring/understanding blood sugar at home and learning about the A1c test
- Eating healthy: Planning meals, reading food labels, counting carbohydrates
- Treating hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Recognizing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
- Learning how diabetes medicines work
- Managing sick days at home
- Dealing with depression and feelings
- Exercising safely
- Taking care of feet, eyes, kidneys and nerves
- Setting goals for daily routines